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Sunday, September 01, 2013
Nokia C6 is the latest in a long line of modestly priced touchscreen
smartphones with side-sliding keyboards from the Finnish company. Nokia doesn't
have a particularly good track record when it comes to touchscreen smartphones.
The Nokia C6 is a S60 5th Edition mobile computer with a large 3.2",
bright nHD TFT color touch screen display, qwerty keyboard, 5 mega pixel Auto
Focus with LED flash camera, A-GPS, and WLAN or HSDPA (3.5G). Optimizing the
home screen to bring useful and relevant content right to the top is one of the
yardsticks of a good user interface. On the C6, which is based on the S60 5th
Edition platform, there are six placeholders where you can run a gamut of
applications and shortcuts. These include time, date, phone profiles, favorite
contacts, email headers and application launchers. While it seems like there's
a lot going on here, the most useful (and practical) are the ones that let you
jump to a program without having to trawl through several layers of menu pages.
The visuals look dated because they haven't changed much since the N97. Ticker
tape-style mini apps like the ones for Facebook and AP Mobile display too
little information to be of use. The same can be said for email headers on the
home screen. It gets worse with the single- and double-tap annoyances. This
input method was introduced to maintain compatibility with existing S60 3.x
applications. The first tap lets you select, while the subsequent tap executes
the command. The user experience here can range from confusion to frustration
depending on your tolerance. Given that many competing touchscreen devices
offer fluid and logical user interfaces, we're inclined to think the latter.
Symbian^3 is supposed to address many of these issues and it can't come soon
enough. What we also didn't like were menu options in certain applications
which took up precious screen estate and the confusing contextual commands. The
latter was especially evident in Ovi Maps. For the rest of the people, the
Nokia C6 is neither innovative nor evolutionary device. It doesn’t try to be
best at anything, nor pretend something it’s not. The absence of extra perks is
understandable for it’s price limit. But if you’re simply on a lookout for a
capable and affordable device with one of the best physical qwerty keys out
there, the C6 is hard bargain to match.
Uprovinpremwa1993 Eric Strawn
Mhinesnaphta Michael Smith
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