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Monday, November 11, 2013
has rolled out a new messaging phone in the signifier of the LG Xpression C395.
The touch screen is very responsive to scrolling and activating commands and
contacts. It does lock very quickly, but it's quick and easy to unlock. On my
old phone, I was always choosing the wrong function by accident. On this phone,
I rarely find myself choosing the wrong function because the touch screen is so
intuitively organized. I do click on the "END" button more often than
I mean to, but I'm sure I will eventually stop doing that. I had taken two
dozen photos over the last few weeks, mostly of my peach tree, rose bushes and
spring blooms. I wanted to transfer these photos to my computer, so I copied
the pictures to the microSD card using the phone's file management system.
Then, I imported the photos to my computer and they look pretty good! The
colors are bright and the focus is sharp. For a 2 megapixel photo, I am quite
satisfied. I could also send the photos via the phone's message system, but I haven't
tried doing that yet. So far, I find the sound quality for talking and
listening very good on this phone. I award it four out of five stars for
clarity and volume control. At my home, I commonly have fewer than four bars of
reception, thanks to a mysterious cloud that obscures my coverage from AT&T
Wireless. Despite the lack of bars, I haven't lost many calls while talking on
the Xpression. In comparison, when talking on my Breeze, I was constantly
dropping the connection and having to call people back. Receiving calls
requires either 1) Clicking on the Receive button or 2) Unlocking the
touchscreen and clicking on "Accept" from the touchscreen. I prefer
using the button, but sometimes I accidentally choose the End key and reject
the call instead. This usually happens when the phone is in my purse and I'm rummaging
around to retrieve it. It's easy to dial using the onscreen keypad. Another way
I like to call is by choosing the voice activation icon on the touchscreen and
saying the name of the contact into the microphone. The phone says: "Did
you say: <Contact Name>? General" Then I say "Yes" and the
phone dials my contact. So far, the phone is pretty good at recognizing my
voice and choosing the right contact. Although not the coolest looking phone,
this is fairly utilitarian, while sporting a hot red exterior and touch screen
to elevate it from stone age status. The qwerty keyboard slides out and the
keys are chiclet style. The touch screen is very responsive and features a
desktop with useful icons. I customized
the desktop with a notepad, calendar, dual time zone clock and photo album. You
can toggle to another icon screen with Bluetooth, Clock, Camera, GPS and Music
Player icons (I deleted the internet icons because I don't have a data plan). A
third screen offers shortcuts to your favorite contacts for dialing or texting.
In general, I don't read directions as often as I attempt to figure things out
on my own. So, I found this phone extremely easy to figure out as I setup the
features. The settings are easy to find and customize. I especially like the
four quick touch widgets that remain on the screen at all times. These are:
Call, Contacts, Text and More. In addition to the touch screen, there are Send
and End keys, a headset jack & microphone, a Clear & Back/Voice Command
Key, Camera Key, Power Button and a micro USB port for charging. The charger
which comes with the phone can be converted into a USB cable for connecting the phone to your
computer. This phone lasts about 3-4 days on a charge. I think that's pretty
good. It charges fully in several hours. The phone lets me know when it's
charged up by telling me to unplug the charger. LG Xpression C395 is a
Side-Slider, Querty Keyboard, Touchscreen Phone from LG which runs on LG OS. LG
Xpression C395 available in Black/Red color and 130 grams of weight.LG
Xpression C395 has GPRS, EDGE, 3G, Bluetooth, GPS connectivity options on